
Born and raised in Miami, FL, I made my way to the San Francisco Bay Area by way of Baltimore, MD. But as the old saying goes, you can take the Cuban out of Miami, but you can never take the Cuban out of the Cuban!! Well, that’s not really an old saying, but just go with it.

I got into photography when my son started playing little league. I quickly found that my little point and shoot just wasn’t getting me the pictures I wanted, so I started to upgrade. A few camera models later, I’m getting a lot closer to what I’d like to see even if my pocket book would rather me just not try as hard. Photographing his little league playing just naturally led the way to bringing the camera with me to the San Francisco Giants games that I frequent. Now, if I could only figure out how to get into the media pits with the rest of the photo-philes…

Since getting bitten by the photo bug, I’ve found my interests in photography expanding at an exponential rate. I love every aspect and nuance of photography and like pushing the limits to what I have grown comfortable with in an effort to grow as a photographer. Even though I do see the merit to all the fancy bells and whistles that all these new fandangled auto focus cameras have, I have been messing with manual focus lenses as well and have been having a great time with those as well.

I find that every time I take the camera bag with me, it’s a new adventure. Sometimes the adventures are lame, but that happens every once in a while. Sometimes the adventures are great, but I’m the lame one. Sometimes I’m just a smartass. Anyway, I’ll be posting those adventures here, along with senseless rants at times, but I’ll try to keep things interesting.

As a complete amateur with no formal training at all, I welcome your commentary to my posts and look forward to establishing relationships wherever my blog may be read. I look forward to posting often, so be sure to add me to your blogs to be followed!! Thanks for looking me up and good luck in your future photographic adventures!!

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